So, as I sat this morning reading the newspaper and awaiting the bacon to finish, I had this thought… who designated Saturday as clean up and errand day? LOL For the millionth time, I designated today as the day for grocery shopping and to clean up the house.. well not clean, tidy as I make it a habit to clean nightly to ensure my sweet baby girl has a clean play pad each day! But you know what! I did neither. today was a straight Netflix and chill day with hubby and the Princess! I think I have learned the theme music for six new cartoon episodes and fell in love all over again with Clifford the Big Red Dog! Moms, Moms 2 Be and Moms in Waiting- ensure each day is what you intend for it to be; give yourself some grace and worry less about the stigmas of life! Happy Saturday and wishing you a great week ahead!