June! WHAT! Book Club Pick

Happy June! MomE Club Family! we are half way through the year! This months book club pick is Work Life Balance for Millennial Moms by Tabitha Forsythe.

This book contains information on studies, opinions, research, and tips for millennial moms navigating through work and brand new parenthood.Millennial women grew up with the thought of having a career firmly in their minds. This is why it isn’t surprising that many of them hold degrees and are doing their best in their chosen field. But what happens when these women become moms? Studies show that brand new moms of the millennial generation are struggling with the balance between home and family life – and this book is here to help with this dilemma. Chances are if you’re reading this, then you or someone you know is a millennial mom or MM.This book is not just for millennial moms but also for millennial dads and the parents of millennial children. If you know anyone who’s an MM, then this book can also help you in dealing with an MM. By the end of this book, you should have a fairly good idea on how to ace the balancing act, and enjoy the benefits of both worlds!

Please join us as we navigate this book together! Love you & there is nothing you can do about it!




May is Mental Health Awareness Month