The Storm
MomE Club Family- just wanted to provide a little encouragement on this Tuesday!
As I sat to journal today- I thought of our trip home from the beach! The day had been wonderful- sunny, nice breeze and the temperature of the water was just a slight above luke warm, we sat and enjoyed good conversation. playing in the sand, of course we made the best sand castle! j and just being able to relax and not think of anything!
Until… on the way home, there was a rain storm, so bad that we had to turn on the hazard lights and slow down to a speed of less than 15 mph. Our daughter was getting upset because of the thunder, lighting and sounds of golf ball sized hell against the window; family! it was so chaotic yet so still. In that instance, you immediately think of only one thing making it home safely and in turn your heart weighs the burden of it feeling like an eternity!
So for us, with everything going on it seemed like hours but you know what, when we actually discussed the timing it was less than 15 minutes! Literally, we went through the storm and in less than 15 minutes the sun found us! We could not quit, we could not grow weary, could not cry/stomp/pout, we had to keep going! I say all this to say, that life sometimes throws us the curves, the speed bumps, the road blocks but keep going because on the other side the sun shines so brightly!
Trust yourself, trust the process and most importantly hold tight to the rememberance that even when it looks like there is no way out…the out has already found you!
You are love, give love & receive love!