Mom’s in Urkaine
MomE 2 MomE LLC does not engage in matters of politics, war or other matters of legislation. However, we are human, Mothers, Wives, Daughters, Sisters, Cousins! As I see the tears and weeps of the Mothers whom have had their lives turned upside down in a matter of moments my heart cries, my soul seeks refuge and peace for them. There is no greater fear than to not be able to protect our children. I cannot bare to imagine packing only what I could carry in a matter of moments, leaving everything that is known for a world of such unexpectancy. This morning, I ask that you take a moment of silence in honor of these Mothers! For their bravey in the face of danger and for their efforts to maintain a position of hope so that their children have a chance at peace. There is nothing sweeter on Earth than a child’s head resting in the palm of their Mother’s hand as she bares the weight of the world in one balancing act.
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