Roll Calling All Mamas!

Mamas! Where are you? or as my daughter says when she is looking for something with her hand on her forehead- where you at/ where you go?

During my scroll today, I heard this song nearly five times and want to share with you- read the lyrics, hum the lyrics, sing the lyrics- however received best sending an extra large hug your way too, such a beautiful song!

I am a Mother

I am tired

I am grateful that they’re mine

I’m forgiving

I am loving

I am learning all the time

I am powerful

I’m protective

I am everything they need!

I will teach them

I will love them

Oh this life was meant for me!

Mom, Moms 2 Be and Moms In Waiting- no matter the season of Motherhood right now, know that you got this!


Did You Know?


Eating Dinner is More Important Right Now!