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Hunger in America

Me, like many other Moms, have heard the radio commercial in which individuals share that they go hungry so their children do not. This touched my soul, if COVID has shown nothing else, it is that no matter how much you plan, there are no certainties. By the grace of God, we have not experienced any food insecurities but fighting hunger in America is a passion and an act of service for me! I am an avid believer that NO PERSON should be left hungry. Below, see the alarming statistics shared by Feeding America. Lastly, see the link at the bottom of the page if you or someone you know is facing food insecurities.

Hunger in America

  • Millions of children and families living in America face hunger and food insecurity every day.

  • Due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, more than 42 million people may experience food insecurity, including a potential 13 million children.

  • The pandemic has most impacted families that were already facing hunger or one paycheck away from facing hunger.

  • According to the USDA's latest Household Food Insecurity in the United States report, more than 35 million people in the United States experienced hunger in 2019.

  • Households with children are more likely to experience food insecurity. Before the coronavirus pandemic, more than 10 million children live in food-insecure households.

  • Every community in the country is home to families who face hunger including rural and suburban communities.

  • Many households that experience food insecurity do not qualify for federal nutrition programs and visit their local food banks and other food programs for extra support.

  • The rates of food insecurity are much higher for African American, Latino, and Native American families because of systemic racial injustice. To achieve a hunger-free America, we must address the root causes of hunger and structural and systemic inequities.

If you or someone you know is facing food insecurities, please provide them the following link to find a food bank near them