Postpartum Depression

Have you had postpartum depression?

Moms ages 18-50 are invited to participate in an outpatient research study examine the role of reproductive hormones in postpartum depression.

Join an NIH (National Institute of Mental Health) Research Study!

This 7-month study at the NIH ClinicalCenter includes 30-45 minute appointments every two weeks. You will participate in clinical interviews, psychological testing, mood self-ratings, blood draws and routine laboratory tests.

Call to learn more: (301) 496-9576 TTY 1-866-411-1010 (Adult Studies, Postpartum Depression)

*There is no cost to participate. Compensation is provided. Please consider helping us better understand this depression.

The information as printed above was received from Department of Health & Human Services, National Institutes of Health National Institute of Mental Health 10 Center Drive, CRC 2-5330, MSC 1277 Bethesda, MD 20892-277

If you are interested, please utilize the contact information above to obtain additional/clarifying details.

*MomE 2 MomE LLC does not endorse and/or make recommendation for participation in the aforementioned survey. What we do aim to do is disseminate information to assist Moms, Moms 2 Be and Moms In Waiting in making informed decisions for their overall health and well -being as well as their babies.


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