Rainbow Baby Campaign

Happy St. Patricks’ Day! Wow, we are already 17 days into March and my sweet baby girl is 3 months and 8 days! She is gaining more control of her head, turning over all by herself and cooing- swear it, I think she said Mama like 5 times already! Okay, maybe, I misheard but to me she is crushing the developmental milestones!

Did you know?

Each year, 1 woman dies every 12 hours from pregnancy-related causes, and 1 in 10 babies is born preterm.
Together we can take on the critical issues facing families, fight for their health and make the country a more equitable place for everyone!

For MomE 2 MomE LLC, today marks a milestone, in that we will initiate our first annual “Rainbow Baby” Day of giving in support of protecting Moms and Babies. When you make a campaign contribution, you’re standing up to protect every family throughout their pregnancies by eliminating health inequities, improving access to health care and ending preventable preterm birth and maternal death. 

Seeking to participate in our online day of giving ? Visit the Shop tab; we challenge you to donate $17 and refer a friend or two to do the same! 10% of proceeds will be given in donation to March of Dimes on behalf of MomE 2 MomE LLC. See our post tomorrow to learn more about March of Dimes, this organization is near and dear to my heart and aligned with the mission and vision of our entity.

There is always a RAINBOW after the STORM!

So, what is a Rainbow Baby?

A rainbow baby is a term for a child born to a family that has previously lost a child due to miscarriage, stillbirth or death during infancy. These subsequent pregnancies can bring "strong feelings of anxiety, guilt, and even fear" but also "immense joy, reflection, healing, and mixed emotions". The term "rainbow" is symbolic of the hope brought by the child after the storm of the previous loss.

Source: Kasprzak, Emma (23 February 2017). "Rainbow babies: The children bringing hope after loss". BBC News. Retrieved 17 March 2021.


March of Dimes


AMA-Advanced Maternal Age