MomE 2 MomE LLC

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Leaving a Legacy

COVID-19 has shown us how short life truly is! Has encouraged us to value each moment we have together and to reproritize work/life balance! During my daily reading, I stumbled across this from TD Jakes and wanted to open the floor to see how you feel about this…

“Here is what people do not understand about children. It is not what you leave to them that makes them great; it is what you leave in them. And if you leave enough in them, you do not have to worry about what you leave to them. If you leave more to them, than you leave in them, they will run through everything you left to them. But if you leave enough in them, you do not have to leave too much to them because they can go out there and make their own way in ife!v-TD Jakes

Share your thoughts below, cannot wait to hear from you!