Thursday Inspiration
“Temper us in fire, and we grow stronger. When we suffer, we survive.” -Cassandra Clare
“Without belief, we would be left with nothing but an overwhelming doom, every single day. And it will beat you. I didn’t fully see, until the cancer, how we fight every day against the creeping negatives of the world, how we struggle daily against the slow lapping of cynicism.” -Lance Armstrong
“Cancer is a word, not a sentence.”- John Diamon
“Cancer can take away all of my physical abilities. It cannot touch my mind, it cannot touch my heart, and it cannot touch my soul.” - Jim Valvano
“Cancer is the be-all and end-all of the sport, and the only thing you can do is show
up to the game with your jersey on.” --Colleen Hoover
“You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have” - Cayla Mills
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.”
Ambrose Redmoon
“Cancer didn’t bring me to my knees, it brought me to my feet.” - Michael Douglas
“Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.” - Lance Armstrong
“Acceptance of death and cancer did not mean I intended to give up, just the opposite. I was prepared to fight cancer not out of fear of dying, but out of joy of living.” - Edie Littlefield Sundby
“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem.”
- A. A. Milne