Our new pet “Blue”
So our daughter was Baby Shark crazy for a spell and we decided to get a pet Beta for her! We are learning our colors so we thought it the most fantastic idea to call her BLUE! Fits so perfectly because she is in fact blue- so unique she couples four different shades of blue across her body! Any who the post came after cleaning her tank! for she has a toddler feeding her and designing her living space- totally crowded LOL But after cleaning the tank, allowing it to sit awhile and then placing BLUE back into her home, I felt the appreciation.. hear me out! For hours she swam from one side to the next up and down so freely and with such a vibrancy! I say all of this to say, Moms, Moms 2 Be and Moms In Waiting- sometimes in fact it is just the small moments that make the biggest difference! Take time to reflect and enjoy your kiddos- there is temperment is determined by YOU!