MomE 2 MomE LLC

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Prepping for Back to School

Not only is it back to school time we are RAPIDLY approaching the holiday season- this coupled with the current world health crises (Money Pox & COVID-19) and uptik in community violence makes this time EXTREMELY difficult for some- allow yourself a little grace and extend to others a little compassion.

5 Tips to Ease Back-to-School Anxiety

  • A week or two before school, start preparing children for the upcoming transition by resuming school-year routines, such as setting a realistic bedtime and selecting tomorrow’s clothes.

  • Arrange play dates with one or more familiar peers before school starts. Research shows that the presence of a familiar peer during school transitions can improve children’s academic and emotional adjustment.

  • Visit the school before the school year begins, rehearse the drop-off and spend time on the playground or inside the classroom if the building is open. Have your child practice walking into class while you wait outside or down the hall.

  • Come up with a prize or a rewarding activity that the child could earn for separating from mom or dad to attend school.

  • Validate the child’s worry by acknowledging that, like any new activity, starting school can be hard but soon becomes easy and fun.

Moms, Moms 2 Be and Moms In Waiting- to learn more see the most recent article written by Johns Hopkins

It takes a village- Moms, Moms 2 Be and Moms In Waiting put your hand into the Village -we are ALL in this together!