MomE 2 MomE LLC

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Hair Care Routine

The crown of your existence- hair, no matter how you rock your do just rock it with confidence! My daughter and I are now on the same cycle as far as wash day and getting “beautified”. Somehow I thought with each passing day that this would get easier but she is so curious so she holds the comb, closes the lid on the grease and attempts to chew the rubber bands. No subliminal message here- just a direct hands off approach! I am so grateful for how thick and full her hair is! For my Veteran Mom’s any secrets to getting this hair care routine done? Sleep does not work- we whip our head back and forth until Mom throws in the white flag! j I love to do the individuals, but I am thinking of cornrolling within the next few weeks- any tips?

I cannot wait to hear from you, please respond soon- roots are depending on it!