December Book Club

MomE Club Family!! We have made it to the final month of the year and heading into 2023! So cliche but do you not recall Y2K! LOL

This months book club pick is in! What better way than to share a read with our sweet babies!

Christmas Cookie Sprinkle Snatcher by Robert Kraus

In a snow covered village, while children all sleep,

the Christmas Cookie Sprinkle Snitcher, lands with a leap!

All the sprinkles he snitches, it's his Christmas fun,

but without sprinkles the baking cannot be done!

The villagers panic, but says Little Nat,

"I'll track down the Snitcher wherever he's at!"

Will Nat find the Snitcher? Will the Snitcher relent?

Will the cookies be baked? Will the Snitcher repent?

Will Nat lose the trail? We he fall through the ice?

If Nat finds the Snitcher, will the Snitcher be nice?

These questions are answered for all to enjoy!


Just a Little Note of Encouragement


What is on the List?