Monday Motivation

You know, after you have experienced enough losses your mind is programmed to expect the worst. With my most recent pregnancy- as shared in an earlier post- I had to retrain my brain to be mindful that no two experiences are truly alike. In an email received from a follower she asked “how did you retrain your brain” - so today I figured I would share the good news with everyone. Understanding that no two women will grieve, triumph or experience the exact same journey, I share this quote that has made it all worth it!

“DON’T think about what can happen in a month. DON’T think about what can happen in a year. Just FOCUS on the 24 hours in front of you and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be”

Queen, easier said than done, BUT, just don’t even think about what is uncontrollable- control what you can control and that is your choices from minute to minute, hour to hour and day by day. The journey comes to with many challenges but I promise it makes the victory that much sweeter!

What is your end goal?- share below, networking helps to make DREAMS a REALITY!


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UTI and Pregancy