MomE Club Family Let Me Share!!

Oh MomE Club Family! Look at this workout that I have found and the great thing it can fit within our busy schedules!


20 squats, 15 seconds plank (2x), 25 crunches, 35 jumping jacks, 15 lunges, 25 seconds wall sit, 10 sit-ups, 10 butt kicks, 5 knee push ups (2x)


10 squats, 30 seconds plank (2x), 25 crunches, 10 jumping jacks, 25 lunges, 45 seconds wall sit, 35 sit-ups, 25 butt kicks, 10 knee push ups (2x)


15 squats, 40 seconds planks (2x), 30 crunches, 50 jumping jacks, 25 lunges, 35 seconds wall sit, 30 sit-ups, 25 butt kicks


35 squats, 30 seconds plank, 20 crunches, 25 jumping jacks, 15 lunges, 60 seconds wall sits, 55 sit ups, 35 butt kicks


25 squats, 60 seconds plank (2x), 30 crunches, 55 jumping jacks, 60 lunges, 45 seconds wall sit, 40 sit-ups, 50 butt kicks, 30 knee push ups (2x)

**Key Tips

  • Make sure to modify your eating habits

  • Once you feel comfortable with these workouts, start using weights/resistance bands/or kettlebells for more results

  • Make sure your getting at least 8-10k steps

  • Drink at least half a gallon of water

  • Don’t restict yourself from enjoying what you love to eat-just make room for it!

Oh, oh! Thank you @josh_pulefit

Post your comments below, how did this work for you?!


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A Little Wednesday Motivation