Mini Me
The smile and then the gaze as if to follow my every move…it was as if she [my daughter] was rehearsing a script for stage performance! Babies are so impressionable and to see just how much of me is in my daugher tickled my heart with such joy! It also brought a bag of responsibility on my overloaded plate to ensure that I am rearing her to be better than me for to be just like me is such a waste of creativity and the innate capabilities she possesses.
Somehow now, all the conversations I had with my Mother growing up in which I felt that I knew best were of such relevancy because … as bad as I don’t want to admit, she already knew the outcome and somehow had this 6th sense of knowing what I was able to handle. Then, ABSOLUTELY cray-cray. Now, such a humility in pursuit of my daughter listening because the art of Motherhood is being able to accept that our children, as perfect as they are to us, will have flaws and when embedded within society will make choices that naturally so aren’t our choices- even still valuing the fact that just as I with my Mother knows that no matter what she has my back without judgement, without cirumstantial clauses and/or the desire to say “told you so”.
So many dustings she has to provide over the years but so grateful she modeled a Mother of grace, of love, of self-respect, of integrity and of the pureness of faith. What do you hope to instill in your daughter?- Queens raising future Queens, what an honor we’ve been bestowed!