Book Club

Our book for the month is Beloved by Toni Morrison!

“I will always think it is the most powerful story about mothers and daughters. No other novel I’ve ever read has really explored the depths mothers will go to protect their children. It’s a dark, but moving read.” —Sam Zabell, associate editor

When I read this caption written by Sam Zabell, I was compelled to not only read but share the read with other Moms, Moms 2 Be and Moms in Waiting! So at the start of each new read, I like to challenge my thought processes to stretch myself mentally! From experience, all 7 months, I have gathered “Motherhood” + Genuine Nurturance = Protection, with Motherhood always being the most dominant force in raising emotionally intelligent and productive citizens but no conglomerate of words to define.

Join us as we discover this power packed example of Motherhood in respects of protection. Girls are so precious, with the rarest of emotions, so charming and so full of love- I strive to nurture my daughters innocence to catapult her to being a fierce being that is aware of self, others and has the gentleness to make each encounter with others a mirrored reflection of her expectations! In the same, boys are Kings with the pliability to being truthful, respectful, admirable, charismatic, devoted and hard working beings through the connection of their Mothers treatment by their Fathers!

Please join us- I feel this one will be a game changer!




What are you feeling today?