Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is diabetes diagnosed for the first time during pregnancy (gestation). Like other types of diabetes, gestational diabetes affects how your cells use sugar (glucose). Gestational diabetes causes high blood sugar that can affect your pregnancy and your baby's health.

For those saying, “you mean sugar”- that is right, I am on your street! j On my Mother’s side there is the strong prevalence of diabetes- and I was very intentional on choosing healthy options for breakfast, lunch and dinner. OKAY -the reality is more often than not the cravings for peanut M&Ms and ice cream got the best of me.

So, I remember going for my glucose screening and so confidently excited to drink the drink, wait an hour, pee and go home with the anticipation for another phone call sharing how I crushed another pregnancy milestone- well as you can imagine that did not happen for me! In fact, I received the phone call and remember asking the Nurse to repeat herself nearly twelve times because I was in disbelief that I FAILED the screening by 1 point!

Well that 1 point cost me, I was then required to do the 3 hour screening and when I say this was nothing short of TORTURE, not in the literal sense but when you are pregnant and told no fluids and no food from midnight until your screening time and then 3 hours after that, I was in a shear state of chaos.

I walk in with a smile because me and my baby we GOT this. The nurse begins to outline our time together and let me tell you this, her instructions provided no desire for a second date! In fact after taking the test, I do not think that I ate or drank anything that wasn’t “healthy for me”.

So let me tell you, after the first draw of blood I still have that winners spirit “lets go we can do this”. I then drink the “drink”- whew, I made it through but swear it was caught in my nose and made me feel like I was drowning in mid air. Okay, I wait one hour- I get blood drawn again- of course they have a difficult time taking the sample- went from arm to arm and then yup you guessed it they drew it from my hand! Now, I have a #hangry mindset but still so pleasantly plump and bubbly- because I can handle this! I go back and wait another hour only to be stuck again and again and again! The last Nurse, I must say, had the warmest spirit- she was so comforting and when it was all over, I remember her giving me the biggest bear hug as tears ran down my eyes. For in this moment, I felt defeated but you know what defeat only happens when you stop trying. This speed bump for me was a teachable moment taught through operant conditioning.

Queen, that three hour screening was no easy feat- take it from me start and end on a healthy regimen to include plenty of water and exercise! You got this- know the signs and act early!

Anyone out there have a similar story- if so, share below!




July Book Club