Happy New Year!!! 2023
Good morning MomE Club Family! WOW, 2023!!! We made it! I have truly missed our community and thank you for your understanding as I did share in family time!
Being a Mother, Wife and Entrepreneur is NO easy feat! Now to add in, New Years resolutions, I just do not have time! However, I had this thought of journaling to my sweet daughter daily- and you know what, nothing hard about that. So why does the workout regement and saving and no shopping and more self care seem so impossible! Well.. as I continued to ponder the thought, it is simply because of our values and what is most important to you!
With all that being said as we are fresh, fresh LOL in 2023, I encourage you to commit to doing what makes you happy, makes you feel free and that which will benefit the evolution of you becoming your best YOU! besides you cannot be DUPLICATED.
I am so looking forward to this journey with you! As we share in all those Mom, Mom 2 Be and Mom In Waiting matters of fact! LOL
Blessing of peace, joy, prosperity, love and self-fulfillment. Love ya!