Saying Good Bye to the Pacifier
During our first dental visit, the Dentist recommended that we stop the bottle as well as allowing our daughter to use the pacifer. wait WHAT! the two for sure items that will assist our daughter in self soothing are NOW scratched, eliminated, out of here, gone, bye bye, see you later! LOL, so my question with willful intent and a slight of humor to bypass the critism of being a first time Mom, well thank you Dr, what seems to be your recommendations and cure for the prognosis of tantrums to be ensued! j Get this! there were none, zero, zelp, none! Our daughter is EXTREMELY resilient so I do not see this being an issue, but maybe? How was your experience wheening your daughter or son from the bottle and pacifier. Like life, the fondest things are often the first to be taken. I pray we continue to teach our daughter patience, compassion and most of all of a·dapt·a·bil·i·ty! I cannot wait to see your comments, this post is sure to bring and allowed opportunities for laughter withoiut judgement.