MomE 2 MomE LLC

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Putting Life in Perspective

Lately, I have been burning the candle wick on all ends- trying to get the bakery off the ground, keep the house running smoothly, spending quality time and with hubby and providing my daughter with all that she needs from me. As I sit to drink my morning coffee, I am reminded of these few things [thank you @lifewithbranums for putting this in perspective]:

early wakeups = children to love

house to clean = safe place to live

laundry to do =clothes to wear

dirty dishes = food to eat

crumbs under the table = good eating with family and friends

grocery shopping to do = money to use

lots of noise = my baby having fun

endless questions = a child who is learning

MomE Club Family, life does its thing but remember you are exactly where you are supposed to be! I too need the reminder to take one day at a time and to breathe! We are rocking this Momma role!