MomE 2 MomE LLC

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Introducing the Elf

Hubby and I are working to create our own traditions, I was dire set on 25 days of Christmas and so far it has been a blast! Our sweet Princess awakes to some gift or book and to see the innocence of pure excitement is so intoxicating!!! I pray that she always remains humble and grateful for even the smallest of tokens given! So we did the whole “sha-bang”, we officially adopted the elf, named her, printed her certificate and yup, she has become a soldier to the teething battle. Sorry, Baby Bubbles Elf, next year you should be on the front lines of the whole Christmas traditions! j On aside, our Princess loves to be read to! So the attached book has made an awesome read at night!

Do you have an Elf on the Shelf, how has the introduction of the Elf gone? What did you do to introduce him/her into the house? Any suggestions for newbies with the Elf?